Reverse Culture Taser pt. 2

Static pierces my eardrums as I scan through the radio stations in search of anything remotely appealing to my hearing.  Aha! Could it be? Yep. It was that familiar accordion instrumental I’ve grown to love while in Spain that could only belong to the song “Stereo Love”.  That melody immediately brought me back to my Spanish life. My friends’ faces popped up in my head almost immediately, all of them smiling as they danced to this catchy tune.  Man those discotecas were to epic, especially when I was with my team. Now it was in Spain that I heard that song for the first time, and it sure is guilty by association.

Then, I happened to hear “Barbra Steisand” at the mall this weekend.  The melody swirled into my ear canal almost immediately. My smile was there and my head-bop definitely came alive. I was back in Valencia again.  That song is guilty by Spanish association also.

But how can I explain something like Rihanna’s songs drifting my reality back to Spain? Everything I did, or heard in that Mediterranean peninsula reminds me of it no matter where I did or heard it first.  It’s like I’m homesick yet I’m at my original place of residence as we speak.

I guess I don’t mind it much because they’re good memories that are being revamped.

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